Brainstorming is an intensive group problem solving exercise. It is widely understood to be useful in bringing fresh perspective and more brainpower to a problem, but there are no consensus techniques for how to most effectively run a brainstorm. Over the years, we at Pump have really worked to refine our brainstorm process to maximize […]
Prototyping without 3D Printing
When we purchased our first 3D printer over a decade ago, it changed our approach to prototyping. The real time feedback the printer gave allowed us to evaluate things we wouldn’t have otherwise tested until much later in the design process. Over the years, our printer farm has grown, and the quality of the prints, […]
Proof of Concept Prototyping
Proof of concept prototyping is, at its core, a quick and dirty mock-up, intended to validate a fundamental idea or overall product architecture (Primary Feature). Sometimes these prototypes are used in an effort to get a sense of scale for a product, other times to validate a mechanism approach or even to test usability. The […]
Tools: A Love Story
Let’s take a moment to give a shout-out to an important part of Pump’s team. No matter what needs to be done, they’re always in the shop (sometimes even working outside in the Texas heat), ready to go, and they never complain. A few of them have been around longer than anyone remembers, and will […]
The Continuous Refinement of Product Requirements
So, you have a great idea. The next thing you want to know is how long will it take and how much will it cost to bring it to life? Most clients who come through our doors at Pump Studios have these questions. The answers require factoring in many variables, but the first step is […]
Design Challenge pt 6
This year marked our second year hosting two junior interns from the Ann Richards School for Young Women Leaders. Throughout their week with us, Iris and Sivi were tasked with designing and 3D printing a toolbox that holds items that they use in their daily lives. Below are Iris’s and Sivi’s experiences as they tackle […]
Design Challenge pt 5
In our final installment of the design challenge series, Peter thinks outside the box while exploring the parameters of an Altoids tin and Parth fills his toolbox to the brim to include his Raspberry Pi and accessories. Below are Peter‘s and Parth‘s experiences and thoughts on their design challenge. Peter’s Box Who is your client […]
Design Challenge pt 4
In our fourth installment of the design challenge series, Kevin shows us what 20 years of product development experience looks like. And Raiza is put to the test to learn CAD. Below are Kevin‘s and Raiza‘s experiences and the outcome of their design challenge. Kevin’s Box Who is your client or intended user? I designed […]
Design Challenge pt 3
In preparation for our two junior interns this summer, we tested their design challenge on ourselves. In our third installment of the series, we explore Robert and Abhi’s designs. Robert’s Box Who is your client or intended user? Before creating my box, I owned this little Harbor Freight X-acto knife set with multiple handle storage. […]
Design Challenge pt 2
In preparation for our two junior interns this summer, we tested their design challenge on ourselves. It was a rush, getting through all the steps of the design process; brainstorming, sketching, CAD, prototype iteration all in just one week to match Amrutha’s and Valeria’s short time with us. We originally gave the Pump Studios team […]