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We tackle the most challenging problems every day, engineering innovative solutions with exceptional results.

Our Services

At Pump Studios we provide an array of services to help our clients achieve their product goals. We provide concept generation, detailed design, prototyping, testing, refinement, production support, and program management. Working with trusted strategic partners, we provide a seamless experience across all facets of product development.

Brane Audio

"The engineers at Pump Studios have become an integral part of our team. When we need to accelerate a project to meet a deadline they always come through. We give Pump Studios nothing but high marks and recommend them to any group trying to get a hardware product into production."

Joe Pinkerton – CEO – Brane Audio


"Pump has been a very important and critical part of the iFetch Team. They provide great inspiration in the early product development activities and are totally involved in all phases of the new product commercialization process. They turn the concepts into prototypes for testing, and they complete the design for manufacturing, including release and control documentation for fabrication and quality control. We could not have developed the great family of products we have without them."

Denny Hamill – CEO – iFetch

Pushstart Creative

"The team at Pump Studios strikes that perfect balance of due diligence and flexible experimentation. Over the years we've collaborated on a number of innovation projects for both established brands and early-stage companies. No matter what the project, Pump always shows up with a level-headed, can-do attitude. Combine that with their decades of experience and iterative working style, and you’ve got yourself an extremely potent partner."

Adrian Taylor – Pushstart Creative


"I've worked with Pump Studios on a number of projects over the previous few years and continue to be impressed at their professionalism, creativity, versatility, and ability to perform under high-pressure deadlines. The products that Pump Studios have helped us build have won a number of industry awards and are used by thousands of happy Trimble customers today. I consider them colleagues, partners, and friends. I look forward to our continued work together!"

Jordan Lawver – Sr. Business Area Manager, AR/MR/VR – Trimble

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Our Clients

An Altoids tin with 3D printed insert angled on top.

Design Challenge pt 5

In our final installment of the design challenge series, Peter thinks outside the box while exploring the parameters of an Altoids tin and Parth fills his toolbox to the brim to include his Raspberry Pi and accessories.  Below are Peter‘s and Parth‘s experiences and thoughts on their design challenge.  Peter’s Box Who is your client or intended user? The intended user is someone who loves organizing everyday carrying products and hates to throw away usable materials.   What tools does your toolbox hold? My toolbox repurposed an existing empty Altoids tin and holds a lip balm and hand sanitizer.  

Kevin's Box and prototype sitting propped up on a table.

Design Challenge pt 4

In our fourth installment of the design challenge series, Kevin shows us what 20 years of product development experience looks like. And Raiza is put to the test to learn CAD. Below are Kevin‘s and Raiza‘s experiences and the outcome of their design challenge. Kevin’s Box Who is your client or intended user? I designed it for me. Ultimately, I think someone who values multi-function design would appreciate the box.   What tools does your toolbox hold? The purpose of this case is to display a versatile multi-functional tool (such as the one I utilized, which combines a pen, laser

Robert's box stacked on a prototype version of the box.

Design Challenge pt 3

In preparation for our two junior interns this summer, we tested their design challenge on ourselves. In our third installment of the series, we explore Robert and Abhi’s designs.  Robert’s Box Who is your client or intended user? Before creating my box, I owned this little Harbor Freight X-acto knife set with multiple handle storage. The handles jiggle around and get loose, and I only ever need one handle at a time. I wanted to create a toolbox that would hold one handle, a place to dispose of spent sharps and protect a user from having to dig through a
