A collage of pictures to show the multiple stages of brainstorming; sketching, compiling designs, final design.


Brainstorming is an intensive group problem solving exercise. It is widely understood to be useful in bringing fresh perspective and more brainpower to a problem,

A collage of renderings, the left most is of a dell project, the middle is of our work with Lancer, the last one is a rendering of a fogless mirror.

Proof of Concept Prototyping

Proof of concept prototyping is, at its core, a quick and dirty mock-up, intended to validate a fundamental idea or overall product architecture (Primary Feature).

Screwdrivers on a peg board.

Tools: A Love Story

Let’s take a moment to give a shout-out to an important part of Pump’s team. No matter what needs to be done, they’re always in


Pump Engineering Calculators