This is a rendering of the Vulcan 3D printer with 3 layers of 3D print finished.
A close up of the Vulcan II's nozzle as it is extruding concrete to make a structure.
The Farmstand
The Farmstand
The Farmstand Nook
The Farmstand Nook
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The Lettuce Grow Logo in gray, which is a three leaf head of lettuce, "Lettuce Grow".

From farm to store, produce can lose 50% of its nutritional value. Lettuce Grow originated out of the desire to make growing sustainable food available to everyone. Pump Studios has collaborated with Lettuce Grow from their beginnings, engineering both the original Farmstand and the Farmstand Nook. Lettuce Grow has been positioned as a leader in household hydroponic gardening due to their safe, sustainable materials, carefully considered supply chain, and an easy, high-performing growing experience for their users.
