Cathodic Protection Rectifier Simulators

A image of the Ai Cathodic Protection Rectifier Simulator, this version in a black Pelican case.

Protecting miles of underground pipe from corrosion requires rectifiers placed periodically along the pipeline, providing thousands of watts of DC power. American Innovations’ Bullhorn Remote Monitoring systems (RMUs) keep a close eye on these rectifiers in remote and hard-to-reach locations to ensure ongoing, safe operation.  Demonstrating the use and functionality of the Bullhorn products in […]

GPS300 / GPS350

The GPS350 by American Innovations, a GPS device in a water proof case, it is laying on its back.

GPS300 American Innovations (AI) came to Pump with older product versions that were too large, and didn’t meet the evolving needs of their customers. Pump worked closely with AI’s sales, field and engineering teams, as well as AI’s existing suppliers to develop a product that not only met their clients’ needs, but also fit well with […]


The American Innovations bullhorn on top of a reflective surface.

American Innovations Bullhorn Product line ensures the safety of people and the environment by monitoring cathodic protection (CP) systems such as rectifiers, test points, compressors, tanks, and other critical assets. Pump worked closely with American Innovations (AI) to design a versatile, rugged, user-friendly enclosure for the product family, initially as a platform for AI’s new remote monitoring […]

Allegro QX Field Data PC

A rendering of the Allegro QX Field Data PC from American Innovations.

With the previous version of their Field Data PC nearing the end of life on several critical components, American Innovations came to Pump with the goal of designing a new product leveraging the next-generation device. Pump worked closely with the PC manufacturer, Juniper Systems, and designed a completely new docking solution, and an independently enclosed, and sealed DVM […]